Speaker: Tony Pyles
July 30, 2023
Series: Sermons
A grievous and extensive sin comes to light among God’s people gathered in a fragile community with a precarious existence. Will God in his wrath finally snuff them out? How do we consider their sin in light of our own setting in redemptive history? What can we learn from them of the nature of true repentance?
July 26, 2023
Series: Bible Study
Tonight our focus shifts momentarily from the rejected king to the selection of his replacement.
July 23, 2023
Series: Sermons
Why is it that we are often only struck by spectacular instances of God’s care? Join us as we consider Ezra 8 and the ways it directs us to consider God’s watchful care over his people and over our own lives, in both spectacular and mundane ways. And let us give thanks to God!
July 23, 2023
Series: Sunday School
Today we backtracked a bit and considered the themes of People, Place, Presence and Program in the life of Abraham, the lives of his descendants, and throughout scripture as a whole.
July 16, 2023
Series: Sunday School
Abraham loses Sarah and yet gains a burial plot in the promised land.Join us as we consider what “one of the least interesting corners of scripture” has to teach us about resurrection hope.
July 16, 2023
Series: Sermons
How does God address the needs of his people as they await the consummation?
July 12, 2023
Series: Bible Study
Tonight we follow Saul on mission to execute God’s judgment. Confronted w/ sin, will he repent? Who will deliver us from this body of death?
July 10, 2023
Series: Sermons
The Lord sends prophets to stir up the temple rebuilding, but news of the project comes to the attention of Persian officials. Yet the eye of their God is upon them!
July 9, 2023
Series: Sunday School
Here we confront head on one of the most difficult passages in scripture. How do we reconcile a loving God with one that required the sacrifice of Isaac?