April 14, 2024
Series: Sunday School
Speaker: Tony Pyles
Join us as we delve into Psalm 19 and begin our adventure through the Westminster Larger Catechism.
April 14, 2024
Series: Sermons
What would it look like if we consistently loved the truth in thought, word, and deed? In this passage Jesus puts his finger on the problem of broken word and broken oaths, lays bare the aggravation of mincing words and finding loopholes, and calls upon us to love the truth in thought, word, and deed, even as he who is the way, the truth, and the life helps us by his Spirit.
April 7, 2024
Series: Sermons
Will the kingdom of heaven be inhabited by pirates, with eye patches and hooks for hands? Jesus has strong words for us on adultery, lust, the fight against sin, and divorce. Join us as we consider the seriousness of sinful desires, our duty to fight sin, and the role of God’s mercy.
April 2, 2024
Series: Bible Study
2 Samuel 18 2 Samuel 18. Forces of father and… read more
March 31, 2024
Series: Sermons
Speaker: Tony Pyles
Topic: Anger, Forgiveness, Justification, Reconciliation, Resurrection
Book: Matthew
What hope does Jesus offer angry people? And what hope do we have when the problem is in our hearts? Join us as Jesus demolishes our self-righteousness, reveals the depth of the law’s requirement and the extent of our sin, shows the urgency that anger presents, and then in himself satisfies God’s wrath against our sin.
March 27, 2024
Series: Bible Study
2 Samuel 16–17 Absalom’s coup continues. David makes his way… read more
March 24, 2024
Series: Sermons
Speaker: Tony Pyles
Topic: Gospel, Imputation, obedience, Old Testament, Righteousness
Book: Matthew
As Jesus turns to the body of the Sermon on the Mount he heads off objections to his teaching and says something that leaves disciples in shock to this day: unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. What are we to make of this difficult saying and the paragraph that accompanies it? How does Jesus’ teaching relate to the Old Testament? How does the gospel relate to obedience? How do we follow Christ? Join us as we ponder these challenging words.
March 24, 2024
Series: Bible Study
Join us as we continue in 2 Samuel 15, where betrayal, power struggles, and the pursuit of a kingdom collide in a dramatic tale of loyalty and deceit. As David flees a fortress city become a trap, a series of encounters reorients his heart and mine, and the quick-thinking, God-reliant David resurfaces (though yet with faults). What will become of God’s king and God’s people?
March 17, 2024
Series: Sermons
Jesus calls his disciples the salt of the earth and the light of the world, but what do these images mean for us, and how do we make sense of the enigmatic warnings that come with them? This morning we examined the usefulness of disciples, the temptation of persecution, and the outcome of our discipleship. Join us as we continue to make our way through the Sermon on the Mount!