Topic: hypocrisy
June 2, 2024
Series: Sermons
Speaker: Tony Pyles
Topic: Christian Life, hypocrisy, Judgement, mercy, shepherding, the Golden Rule
Book: Matthew
How do I love my neighbor as myself? Just as Jesus leaned into our love for God, so now he turns to press us with regard to our love of neighbor. As he begins to draw the Sermon on the Mount to a close he reveals the hypocrisy of a condemning spirit, the necessity of discernment, the help the Father is ready to provide, and a handy rule of thumb to help guide our interactions with one another. Misunderstandings multiply when we consider parts of this passage in isolation; let us give attention to the flow of Jesus’ thought.
May 12, 2024
Series: Sermons
How does one pray? In the midst of a passage on hypocrisy Jesus provides us instruction on prayer. First he tells us how (not) to pray, then he provides us a prayer that we may both pray ourselves and use as a model. Join us as we consider the six petitions of the Lord’s Prayer, of how to pray for God’s glory and our good, together with some further reflection on growing in prayer.
May 5, 2024
Series: Sermons
As Jesus begins the next section of the Sermon on the Mount we meet instructions that appear to stand in tension with something he said earlier. Are our good works supposed to be observed by others, or not? As we work through Jesus’ words we see him answering three “how” questions: how do we resolve apparent contradictions, how do we understand hypocrisy, and how do we walk in obedience? Join us as we make this first pass through Matthew 6!