March 13, 2024
Series: Bible Study
The fallout of David’s non-reconciliation begins as Absalom massages the people’s egos and steals their hearts. His conspiracy is broad and deep, and David must respond swiftly for his own safety and that of his followers. In the midst of so much human action, the most unlikely interaction—with a Philistine mercenary!—will reawaken David’s faith and put the Lord’s actions back in the forefront of the narrative. Nevertheless in this section David continues to point us to Jesus primarily by way of contrast. Join us as we begin to consider Absalom’s coup and David’s flight! To be continued…
March 10, 2024
Series: Sermons
Speaker: Tony Pyles
Book: Matthew
As Jesus begins the most famous sermon ever preached he begins by meeting objections his teaching will raise, asserting blessing for his disciples, and offering us three windows: into the character of his disciples, into the content of the kingdom, and into the persecution of believers. Join us as we consider these Beatitudes and the comfort that precedes command.
March 6, 2024
Series: Bible Study
A nation rocked, a family torn asunder, a father and son estranged, a royal heir in exile. Thus 2 Samuel 14 begins. And though David’s heart inclines toward his son, his actions do not. Will the machinations of David’s court bring about reconciliation? Or will we see the parable of the Prodigal Son by way of contrast? Join us as we are frustrated by the events of this chapter and reflect on how it drives us to a different son of David.
February 25, 2024
Series: Sunday School
The last chapter of Genesis draws us to a close of sorts, and yet contains a to-be-continued feel. God’s faithfulness to bring Abraham’s family to this moment points to future faithfulness yet to come, though some elements of the promise are not yet fulfilled. Join us as we reflect on the book and discuss the reflex of faith that causes both Jacob and Joseph to desire a burial in the promised land, even as their descendants remain in Egypt for the time being.
February 25, 2024
Series: Sermons
As Matthew turns to the first major block of Jesus’ teaching we encounter a two-verse preface. Easy to overlook, this preface nevertheless orients us to what follows with important reminders and observations. As we consider it this morning we are reminded that Jesus teaches for the world, Jesus teaches his disciples, and Jesus teaches with authority. Join us as we consider both the encouragement and the challenge that these observations bring!
February 20, 2024
Series: Bible Study
The rape of Tamar and the murder of Ammon. A dark tale, a difficult text, an intense look at the depth and extent of human depravity as the consequences of David’s sin begin to work themselves out in his household. How does a text like this work in tandem with Romans 8 and Psalm 23 to reveal to us the beauty of God’s sovereignty? How does the blackness of sin highlight the brilliance of mercy? Join us as we read and discuss the next chapter of 2 Samuel and yearn together for the return of Christ.
February 18, 2024
Series: Sunday School
Speaker: Tony Pyles
Book: Genesis
As we approach the end of Genesis, with the death of Jacob looming, we encounter two scenes of blessing in chapters 48 and 49. In a careful narration we are reminded of scenes before, and while the deception is removed, surprises remain. Grandsons are placed among sons in inheritance; blessing and prophecy join hands; the promise to Abraham carries forward—but to an entire generation rather than a single son. And leadership is given to…Judah? Join us as we reflect on two chapters near the end of Genesis and on Jacob’s desire to be buried by his sons in the Promised Land, though their sojourn in Egypt will continue.
February 18, 2024
Series: Sermons
How does the beginning of Jesus’ ministry provide us with a foretaste of the new creation? Join us as we see Jesus call his first disciples, preach and teach, and heal every disease and affliction among the people in Galilee and reflect on what it means for us in the midst of our suffering as we anticipate the new heavens and the new earth.
February 13, 2024
Series: Bible Study
What David did displeased the LORD. But the next chapter begins with grace, as the LORD takes initiative and sends Nathan the prophet to David. How does a consideration of God’s ways with David help us to frame our own reflections on sin, its consequences, and our response to conviction? Join us as we consider 2 Samuel 12!