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Topic: David as King

  • April 25, 2024

    Series: Bible Study

    A return to Jerusalem; a new coup; a powerful general; a wise woman; a list of officials. What do we make of a chapter including such diverse materials? How does it bring David’s story to a conclusion of sorts, and how do we assess the ending? How does it link both backwards and forwards? Join us as we consider 2 Samuel 20.

  • February 6, 2024

    Series: Bible Study

    Speaker: Tony Pyles

    Topic: David as King

    Book: 2 Samuel

    David the consummate diplomat, leader, and general: loyal to allies, sensitive to his men, alert to the enemy, successful in war. David the consummate politician: suspicious of loyal servants, corrupt in his dealings, unbridled in his passions. David at his best, David at his worst. What will become of God’s king, and of his people? Join us for 2 Samuel 10–11, and an ominous “to be continued…”

  • January 30, 2024

    Series: Bible Study

    Speaker: Tony Pyles

    Topic: David as King

    Book: 2 Samuel

    David, a ruler out of Judah, provides security and reigns justly over a united kingdom, subduing Israel’s enemies on every side. Though some of his actions rightly give us pause, the clear message is that David, flaws and all, is a king after God’s own heart, who shepherds his people and gives him the glory. More than this, it is through David here that we see the Lord bringing his land promises to Abraham to fulfillment, tying together two covenants. How then will David’s faithfulness to a covenant with Jonathan compare with the Lord’s faithfulness to his people? Join us as we consider these next two chapters of 2 Samuel.

  • December 5, 2023

    Series: Bible Study

    Speaker: Tony Pyles

    Book: 2 Samuel

    Tonight we close a chapter on David’s long rise as the last of his rivals for the throne of Israel are removed. In the thick of schemes and statecraft, polygamy and politics, conspiracy and murder, the grand sweep reveals God’s careful and decisive providence in moments when his absence seems most keenly felt. But cracks in the new administration and its policy begin to show even as David’s grip on the nation consolidates. As we look forward to David’s accession in the chapters to follow, we cannot help but ask: will he prove a better king than Saul? God help us!

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