Series: Sermons
April 30, 2023
Series: Sermons
Paul signs off his letter to the church in Philippi with a standard closing greeting—or is it? Does he, perhaps, instead put his own particular spin on a letter closing, just as he does with letter openings, and subtly sum up all that he has communicated over the course of his epistle?
April 23, 2023
Series: Sermons
Speaker: Tony Pyles
Topic: Christ, Christian Maturity, Circumstances, Contentment, Giving
Book: Philippians
Paul knew how to be content while in need and while experiencing abundance. These are not the words of a self-sufficient self-made man.
April 16, 2023
Series: Sermons
In the face of dire circumstances Paul instructs the Philippians to rejoice! Why? How can this be? What does this sort of life look like?
April 9, 2023
Series: Sermons
Once again Paul urges the Philippians to imitate his example, warning them of the danger posed by enemies of the cross. But we are heavenly citizens, and look forward to a resurrection like Christ’s. It is this resurrection hope that enables us to stand firm.
April 2, 2023
Series: Sermons
Why does Paul urgently want us to know that we have not yet “arrived”? What is it that he has not yet obtained, and how is that a comfort?
March 26, 2023
Series: Sermons
Speaker: Tony Pyles
Book: Philippians
Pastor Tony continues his debut series over Philippians with this sermon titled, “Trash and Treasure.”
March 19, 2023
Series: Sermons
Speaker: Tony Pyles
Book: Philippians
Join us as Pastor Tony continues his debut Philippians series. May we shine as lights pointing to Christ in the midst a dark world.
March 12, 2023
Series: Sermons
Speaker: Tony Pyles
Book: Philippians
Join in as Pastor Tony continues his debut series in Philippians. May we be conformed more and more to the mind of Christ our Savior.
March 5, 2023
Series: Sermons
Speaker: Tony Pyles
Book: Philippians
Pastor Tony continues his Philippians series. May we be found worthy of the Gospel of Christ!