May 26, 2024
Series: Sunday School
Speaker: Tony Pyles
Join us as we consider timeless truths contained in these questions from the Westminster Larger Catechism
May 26, 2024
Series: Sermons
How does Jesus help calm our worries? Like a tender shepherd Jesus knows his sheep, and he knows his preceding words about worldly wealth may exacerbate our anxiety. Join us as we see him remind us of the fullness of our life, our value in our Father’s eyes, and the futility of our anxiety to give us anything of value. Drawing on his words in this and earlier paragraphs we also consider the practical means he provides us to combat the worry and anxiety that beset us. May God increase our faith!
May 21, 2024
Series: Bible Study
Census, pestilence, sacrifice, curtains. Why does the book of Samuel draw to a close in such an odd way? How does the ending shape what we make of David? How does it contrast him with Saul on the one hand, and point forward to Jesus on the other? Join us as we wrestle with a perplexing conclusion.
May 19, 2024
Series: Sermons
Hard words from Jesus about where our hearts lie as he confronts us with two treasures, two visions, and two masters. While we may think we can follow Jesus part time, he bids us choose—and reveals to us the slavery inherent in pursuing earthly wealth. Join us as we weigh his words and their challenge, and join us next week as Jesus goes on to address the anxiety that his commands may produce in us.
May 19, 2024
Series: Sunday School
Join us we consider more of what the Westminster Larger Catechism has to teach us.
May 14, 2024
Series: Bible Study
Speaker: Tony Pyles
Book: 2 Samuel
In these closing chapters of Samuel we have seen David at war and David in worship; here in this penultimate chapter we see both again, in reverse. The two parts of the chapter together reflect on the Lord’s covenant with David and the success he has brought him in war. Join us as we discuss David giving God the glory, see how this distinguishes him from Saul, and scratch our heads over why Samuel must add one more chapter.
May 12, 2024
Series: Sermons
How does one pray? In the midst of a passage on hypocrisy Jesus provides us instruction on prayer. First he tells us how (not) to pray, then he provides us a prayer that we may both pray ourselves and use as a model. Join us as we consider the six petitions of the Lord’s Prayer, of how to pray for God’s glory and our good, together with some further reflection on growing in prayer.
May 12, 2024
Series: Sunday School
Join us as we consider both our ultimate problem and the ultimate solution, found in Christ. The end of Genesis 3 and the beginning of Revelation 22 help frame our discussion as we continue in the Larger Catechism, wrapping up the outline of our sin and mercy and beginning to consider the covenant of grace.
May 7, 2024
Series: Bible Study
As we continue through the closing chapters of Samuel we encounter a Psalm, also familiar to us as Psalm 18, that bids us reassess David and to frame the whole of his reign in light of God’s favor. How does a chastened yet grace-filled reflection help us to frame our own experience? How does it help highlight for the work of the son of David? Join us as we consider 2 Samuel 22!