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Series: Sunday School

  • November 5, 2023

    Series: Sunday School

    Jacob, now back in the land with his family, is called by God to move to Bethel. But where did the idols come from, and why are people and places renamed for a second time? As we seek to answer these questions we see the promise to Abraham clearly restated in all of its elements to his grandson. Are we closer to seeing the promises fulfilled? And what do the stories of God’s continued faithfulness to Abraham’s children have to say to Israelites on their way out of Egypt, or to us?

  • October 22, 2023

    Series: Sunday School

    Topic: patriarchs

    Book: Genesis

    Today we consider Genesis 33–34. In the first chapter we witness an emotional reunion marked by tension, reconciliation, and power plays. Jacob’s actions make it clear that he has no intention of living his life alongside Esau, and the undercurrent of mistrust may be mutual. Moving forward, the next chapter focuses on the defilement of Jacob’s daughter. So much sin and so little reconciliation! Passive Jacob has passed on his knack for deceit and yet even the narrator agrees that action must be taken!

  • October 1, 2023

    Series: Sunday School

    Speaker: Tony Pyles

    Book: Genesis

    Join in as we discuss Genesis 32, where we find Jacob at a crossroads. He is returning to Canaan after twenty years away, but he knows that his brother Esau is still angry with him for stealing their father’s blessing. Jacob is afraid but not paralyzed; prayerful and yet proactive!
    It is also a story about Jacob’s wrestling match with God. In the end, Jacob is given a new name, Israel, meaning “he who struggles with God.” He and we are powerfully reminded that God is always with us, even in the midst of the struggle.

  • September 24, 2023

    Series: Sunday School

    As we delve into Genesis 31, we are prompted to reflect on Genesis 12 and the elements of the covenant the Lord made with Abraham, which encompassed people, place, and divine presence. We ponder the importance of the fresh covenant forming between Jacob and Laban, harkening back the events of Genesis 15. We question the irony of Laban’s attempt to rescue his household gods, exposing their helplessness to even manifest themselves in the process of his search.

  • September 17, 2023

    Series: Sunday School

    Speaker: Tony Pyles

    Book: Genesis

    In Genesis 30, we see Jacob’s journey with Laban culminate. God protects and provides for Jacob amid Laban’s deceit. Jacob, initially seeking refuge, now heads a growing household. His wives, Leah and Rachel, have children, and maidservants do too. Laban manipulates Jacob’s wages, but God ensures Jacob’s well-being and prosperity, multiplying his flocks and resources. This highlights God’s faithfulness and promise fulfillment to His chosen people.

  • September 10, 2023

    Series: Sunday School

    Speaker: Tony Pyles

    Book: Genesis

    This morning we continue in the patriarchal narratives and move into Genesis 29, asking what will become of the promises to Abraham as Jacob departs from the promised land in search of a wife. What is the nature of his interaction with the shepherds? How is Rachel portrayed? Why does Laban trick Jacob into marrying Leah first, and how on earth did he not know? How do we see God at work despite and even by means of so many competing human schemes? And we didn’t even get around to talking about meeting an eligible young maiden at a well…

  • September 3, 2023

    Series: Sunday School

    Speaker: Tony Pyles

    Book: Genesis

    In Genesis 28, Jacob is sent away and while on his journey, he dreams of a ladder connecting Earth and Heaven, with angels ascending and descending, and God affirms His covenant with him. Jacob awakens in awe, realizing God’s presence in that place, and names it Bethel, the “house of God.” He makes a vow to serve God and tithe, demonstrating his deep faith in the Lord. This chapter marks a pivotal moment when Jacob’s faith is solidified, setting the stage for his role as a patriarch of Israel.

  • August 27, 2023

    Series: Sunday School

    Speaker: Tony Pyles

    Book: Genesis

    God’s election of Jacob over Esau works itself out as parental preference rots the relationship between siblings and each parent schemes to steal away the blessing on behalf of their favorite son. Join us as we continue in the patriarchal narratives and consider how the ugly side of the family of faith speaks a word of grace into our own lives.

  • August 20, 2023

    Series: Sunday School

    Speaker: Tony Pyles

    Today we considered the office of elder, both its qualifications and duties, as outlined by our Book of Church order and in light of the descriptions and charges given by Paul and Peter (1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, and 1 Peter 5). We ask you to join us in prayer as we consider whom to nominate to this office at Faith PCA, and as those nominated enter into a season of training and examination for office.

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