• November 17, 2024

    Series: Sermons

    Speaker: Tony Pyles

    Book: Matthew

    Matthew 12:1–14 presents a stark contrast between the rigid legalism of the Pharisees and true Sabbath-keeping.
    Jesus, however, reframes the Sabbath. He is the Lord of the Sabbath, and His disciples are free to act in mercy and do the necessities, even on the Sabbath. This reframing is a far cry from the self-righteous legalism of the Pharisees, who have turned the Sabbath into a burden rather than a blessing.
    Jesus, invites us to rest in Him, the ultimate Sabbath rest.

  • November 10, 2024

    Series: Sermons

    Speaker: Tony Pyles

    Book: Matthew

    We consider our passage and are confronted with the wisdom of the Father, and the dominion of Christ. In gracious lordship, we find peace.

  • November 10, 2024

    Series: Sunday School

    Speaker: Tony Pyles

    Book: Exodus

    Today we consider Exodus 17. Having been supplied with manna and quail, the people grumble again. The Lord answers w/ gracious provision. Though brief, this passage points us forward to the Lord’s ultimate provision for His people.

  • November 3, 2024

    Series: Sermons

    Speaker: Tony Pyles

    Topic: repentance

    Book: Matthew

    In Matthew 19:20–24, we are struck by the urgency of repentance. The Lord’s wrath is real and we must not confuse His patience with dismissal.

  • November 3, 2024

    Series: Sunday School

    Speaker: Tony Pyles

    Book: Exodus

    The people of God find themselves in the wilderness, wholly dependant on the Lord for their daily bread. He provides and, in the process, affirms for the people that one day in seven has been set aside to Him. The people are no longer slaves in Egypt and they are reminded, through gracious provision, that it is the Lord who owns their time. Please join us for this encouraging discussion.

  • October 29, 2024

    Series: Bible Study

    Speaker: Tony Pyles

    Book: Ephesians

    In the second half of Ephesians 2 Paul turns to consider how our common share in God’s riches through Christ tells us how we relate to one another in one body. In this rich paragraph he demolishes any other notion of lasting unity, showing how an eternal unity between believers has been forged through the cross. An important message to consider in a divisive season; we invite you to join us in reflecting on this beautiful aspect of the gospel!

  • October 27, 2024

    Series: Sermons

    Speaker: Tony Pyles

    Book: Matthew

    Disappointment is no stranger to the Christian life, and sometimes, at the root, we find ourselves disappointed when what we expected from the Lord is not what comes to pass. This morning we take a look at Jesus’ words in Matthew 11:1–19, generated by John the Baptist’s disappointment and confusion. Join us as we are challenged once again to adjust our expectations in light of the teaching of God’s word and the certainty of the resurrection, even as we begin to see the opposition and hostility Jesus warned against take shape in his ministry, and celebrate with us the grace we find in the midst of the confusion and hostility!

  • October 27, 2024

    Series: Sunday School

    Speaker: Tony Pyles

    Book: Exodus

    Join us as we consider Moses’ song in Exodus 15 and the beginning of the journey from the Red Sea to Mount Sinai. As we zoom out from the passage we also consider how the Old Testament consistently borrows elements of a pagan worldview—only to subvert them and portray the Lord’s power and dominion. We also venture into a description of the latter half of Exodus before rounding out our discussion of the chapter.

  • October 22, 2024

    Series: Bible Study

    Speaker: Tony Pyles

    Topic: good works

    Book: Ephesians

    Join us as we consider “works” and their place in the Christian life. We are encouraged with the reality that they are an “end” and not a means. We are NOT called to trust in our grip on Christ, but rather to trust in His grip on us.

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