May 7, 2023
Series: Sunday School
We continued on in Genesis this morning, considering what it meant for the Lord to accept the covenant curses himself .
May 2, 2023
Series: Bible Study
After some remarks on helpful resources and a bit of review (including corrections!) we dive into chapter 7. After 20 years idolatry has taken root and Israel needs…a king? Not yet! First Samuel serves as judge, in a manner reminiscent of Moses. As the people confess and repent, recommitting themselves to the Lord, he works a great deliverance from the Philistines. But where will Israel go from here? And where is the king that Hannah’s prayer led us to expect?
April 30, 2023
Series: Sermons
Paul signs off his letter to the church in Philippi with a standard closing greeting—or is it? Does he, perhaps, instead put his own particular spin on a letter closing, just as he does with letter openings, and subtly sum up all that he has communicated over the course of his epistle?
April 30, 2023
Series: Sunday School
Genesis 14 After a brief recap of Genesis 13 we… read more
April 25, 2023
Series: Bible Study
Speaker: Tony Pyles
The stage has been set and we are in search of a prophet, priest, king. The Ark wages its own war against the Philistines?
April 23, 2023
Series: Sermons
Speaker: Tony Pyles
Topic: Christ, Christian Maturity, Circumstances, Contentment, Giving
Book: Philippians
Paul knew how to be content while in need and while experiencing abundance. These are not the words of a self-sufficient self-made man.
April 23, 2023
Series: Sunday School
Speaker: Tony Pyles
Book: Genesis
Pastor Tony led us through Abram’s journey into Egypt, giving us plenty to contemplate as we consider other passages of scripture.
April 18, 2023
Series: Bible Study
Pastor Tony led us to the end of chapter 4, pointed out puns, commented on covenants, and led us to look deeper!
April 16, 2023
Series: Sermons
In the face of dire circumstances Paul instructs the Philippians to rejoice! Why? How can this be? What does this sort of life look like?