January 21, 2024
Series: Sunday School
Joseph sets a test for his brothers; have they changed, or are they the same men he knew at 17 years old? An awkward chapter break notwithstanding, we finally come to the climax of the Joseph story as he reveals himself to his brothers. Dismay, terror, joy, weeping—all the feels, as they say! And yet he is able to comfort his brothers with the knowledge that what God has used for good what they had intended for evil. How do we explain the depth of Joseph’s faith, or the character transformation in Judah as he offers himself in Benjamin’s place?
January 21, 2024
Series: Sermons
John the Baptist prepares the way by preaching repentance, proclaiming that the kingdom of heaven is near, and facing off with the Pharisees and Sadducees. Anticipation builds: if this is Elijah, who is to follow? Join us as we consider John’s challenge and its connections to Jesus’ later preaching.
January 14, 2024
Series: Sunday School
In a dramatic twist, Joseph encounters his estranged brothers in Genesis 42–43. As the brothers bow before him, the tables turn, and a profound test of character unfolds. Joseph, now in a position of authority, navigates the line between testing their characters and exacting revenge.
January 14, 2024
Series: Sermons
Who is Herod, really, and what is at stake in his struggle to put the Christ child to death? And how do we make sense of Matthew’s use of the Old Testament to explain who Jesus is? Join us as we unmask Herod and peer over Matthew’s shoulder into the depths of salvation history.
January 11, 2024
Series: Bible Study
Speaker: Tony Pyles
Book: 2 Samuel
As David continues to consolidate his new reign, he attempts to move the ark to his new capitol. But an aborted first attempt that reminds left and right of the Philistines ends in disaster! How will the new king respond to God’s wrath? Does he repent and walk in new obedience, or do we have Saul 2.0?
January 7, 2024
Series: Sunday School
In Genesis 41, we witness an astonishing turn of events as Joseph is catapulted from the literal pit of prison to a position of immense power and influence. In God’s providence Joseph will play a crucial role in the destiny of Egypt and the well-bering of the world. Join us as we discuss this exciting chapter!
January 7, 2024
Series: Sermons
Led by a star, Gentile sages arrive in Jerusalem seeking a newborn king of the Jews. In a chapter filled with wonder and consternation in which prophecies of the Messiah come to pass, Matthew focuses our attention on responses to Jesus. What will we do with the news of his arrival? Will his birth elicit anxiety, hostility, apathy, or joyful submission?
January 2, 2024
Series: Bible Study
In 2 Samuel 5 David is finally recognized as king by the northern tribes. Though deep divisions remain and shadows of future sin fall across the page, the dominant note is a recognition of God’s faithful presence with David and with the nation as the Lord blesses David for his people’s good. A new capital is established and the Philistines are finally defeated by a king of Israel—not once, but twice—as David contrasts with Saul in his reliance on the Lord. As David continues to establish his reign what will become of his kingdom? Will he rule as the Lord directs, or will he become a run-of-the-mill Ancient Near Eastern monarch?
December 31, 2023
Series: Sunday School
Speaker: Tony Pyles
Book: Genesis
Genesis 39–40 Join us as we delve into the captivating… read more